The Joy of the Instant Rebuttal

The Joy of the Instant Rebuttal

So I wasn't sure what to expect from a story that National Journal was going to write on Arizona politics.  Sure, its NJ, so there will be a bit of a slant leftwards as there usually is, but the interview I gave to James Oliphant, the author, was really pleasant, and the questions gave me hope that someone was going to actually get it right for a change.  Then you see the headline and realize "Better luck next time!"

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Why Some Newspapers Deserve To Fail

No one covers this topic as well as Espresso Pundit, but the January 25th Political Insider column from The Arizona Republic reminded me of some of the many points that Greg Patterson makes on his blog.  Biased reporting, snarky tone, and fundamental misrepresentations, all combining to produce a product that reflects poorly on the paper and continues to cost them readers.

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A Dream Realized

It is Martin Luther King Day and the radio hosts play a clip from his speech.  Listening to it I had a thought that I have not heard expressed in the media.  So I came home and searched for the clip they played.

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Limiting Government Week

Recently, two of our clients, State Senator Al Melvin and State Representative Steve Montenegro, introduced Limiting Government Week, a novel idea based on concepts conservatives take largely for granted.

Conservatives believe in limited government -- making it smaller, cheaper, more efficient. We believe that while a limited government can help us to secure our freedoms, when government gets bigger than that it can only do so by taking first from each of us another piece of our liberties and our resources.

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