Our Philosophy

“The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.” – Dennis Prager

There are things that only government can do, and it needs to do those things as well and efficiently as possible. Keeping government focused on those things and getting government out of the rest of our lives requires electing conservatives with backbone.

Our mission is to elect genuine conservatives to office, and since we started working on the Arizona political scene, no one has elected more conservatives to office than we have.

Whether battling through competitive primary or general election match ups, we give each and every client customized attention and care to ensure that they have the support they need to win. We are a full-service shop that provides solutions to every campaign need, including staff headhunting, direct mail, automated dialers, tele forums, VOIP phone bank technology, voter data solutions, radio and television production and buys, signs and stickers, accounting, legal compliance, polling, websites and social media services.

“You would be amazed how busy a person can keep themselves while accomplishing nothing.” – Constantin Querard

We will help you to focus, as a candidate, on doing those things that you need to be doing. Perhaps more importantly, we will help you to push to the side all of the distractions that keep you busy, but do nothing to help you win.

“Campaigning is easy, governing is hard.”

Our help does not end after you are elected. With most offices being re-elected every two years there is little time after one campaign ends before another campaign begins. And in the meantime you have to do your job and govern. We will stand behind you long after your Election Night celebration is over.