Have You Met the Tea Party?

A few days ago I read Chuck Coughlin’s blog post wherein he trashed the Tea Party in a manner both surprisingly full of animus, and devoid of understanding of our nation’s newest and largest movement.  Coughlin is a professional when it comes to politics and lobbying, which made the post so much more remarkable.  I spent a few days thinking about it but resisted the urge to post my various responses.  After all, we get along, we’ve worked on the same side a few times and it makes little sense to pick a fight needlessly.  Then I realized that Chuck was talking trash about me and everyone who shared my beliefs.  I don’t know why he attacked us so personally, but responding was fair, and someone ought to say something.

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100+ and Counting!

As we begin 2015, a quick look back at 2014 reveals that at some point on the evening of November 4th, 2014, we successfully elected or re-elected our 100th candidate since 2004. By the time the evening was done, the count was 102 candidates we had successfully gotten across the finish line.  That doesn't include candidates for whom we provided products, like direct mail or automated dialers.  Our list was for those candidates we consulted for directly. Not bad for just six cycles of work.

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