Wrapping Up The 2016 Election Cycle
With it now taking more than a week to finish counting the ballots, we don’t get to add up wins and losses on Election Night anymore. But the counting is finished and we are now able to add ‘em up and report on the results.
The team at Grassroots Partners were able to elect or re-elect 35 great men and women to office this year, as Constables, City Councilmen, Mayors, State Representatives or Senators, even County Supervisors. We were also proud to be a part of helping to elect a number of additional candidates in races where we played a part but did not play the role of consultant.
With the State House and Senate having completed their leadership elections we are proud to see our clients elected as House Speaker and Majority Whip, as well as Senate President, Majority Leader, and Majority Whip. Remarkably, with Republicans now holding 52 Legislative seats, we served as consultants to 28 of them this cycle, not including some former clients who are still serving in the Legislature.
We also did IE work that helped preserve the GOP’s Senate Majority by electing Kate Brophy McGee in LD28’s marquee State Senate matchup against former Democrat Minority Leader Eric Meyer.
As always, victory was made possible by great candidates, great families (both theirs and ours), hard working volunteers, and great teamwork. It is also important to salute those who ran but did not win. Sometimes it’s a bit of bad luck or bad timing, sometimes it’s a great candidate in a very lopsided district. In every case, we were proud to be associated with each and every candidate that entrusted us with their race. And we look forward to working with each and every one again in the future.